Monday, May 11, 2009

The play-by-play on the Re-Activism trip

Let me just say that the trip was AWESOME!!!!! If you're new to our radical blog and have no idea what I'm talking about: On Saturday the group took the L train to Union Square to go to our Re-Activism trip. If you still have no idea what I'm talking about : the trip was a scavenger hunt in Manhattan where we had to split up in groups and find historical landmarks that are relevant to Civil Rights. That's just a short summary of what happened. I was lucky enough to attend( props to Ms. Bintz and Ms. Harris!!) and had a great time. My group was Niccolette, Paularah, Nayo, and my mom ( Go So random!!!) So we didn't win.( The Swagger Daggers won, by the way.) We had a great time regardless. My group went to Union Square and got free sodas, cookies, and hugs!!! It was amazing. Well I have to go because my computer is about to die. I hope you enjoyed my post!!! Check out the Re- Activism project!!!!

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